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Engineering Features

The ENG Key

Pressing the [ENG] key causes the value in the display to be shown in the form of a significand and exponent, where the exponent will be rounded to the nearest multiple of 3. Repeatedly pressing the [ENG] key decrements the exponent by 3, while adjusting the significand so that the overall value remains unchanged. Pressing [SHIFT] [ENG] increments the exponent by 3, rather than decrements.

Try this out! Enter a value (5,000 for example) and press [ENG] repeatedly. To work the other way, press [ENG] in conjunction with [SHIFT] repeatedly. You may hold down shift on your keyboard if you wish.

Engineering Mode

DreamCalc supports an engineering mode. When this is enabled, the calculator will display values in exponential form by default, rounding the exponent to the nearest multiple of 3 as appropriate. See Modes and Precision Settings for more information.

SI Prefix Display

The calculator automatically shows the appropriate SI Prefix (see below) in the display when using the engineering features.

SI Prefix

Exponent Equivalent

yocto (y)




atto (a)


femto (f)


pico (p)


nano (n)


micro (u)


milli (m)


Kilo (K)


Mega (M)


Giga (G)


Tera (T)


Peta (P)


Exa (E)


Zeta (Z)


Yotta (Y)


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Scientific Functions

Using Keyboard


Copyright 2003 - 2004 : Andy Thomason
All Rights Reserved